Answered By: Ask a Librarian
Last Updated: Feb 24, 2020    

  • How to prepare your EndNote?

It is assumed that you have an EndNote database (*.enl), back this up before continuing.

  • How to Export your EndNote File?

Go to: File -> Export. Save the file as a text (*.txt) file.

Please note the first line, “@article{RN8”, RN8 is what you should use when you cite in your article.

Move this file to your LaTeX directory you are working with and rename to a *.bib file.

  • How to import your file into LaTeX?

Please start a new .tex file and put the .bib file at the same path. In your document where you want the Bibliography to appear add:

\bibliographystyle{Your Desired Reference Style}

\bibliography{name of your bib file}

Reference style can be: plain, unsrt, alpha, abbrv, ieeetr, acm, siam, apalike, amsplain, abstract, agsm

You can find detail description for this code on latex’s help document.

  • How to cite your reference?

when you cite a reference use the command \cite{RN8}  to get a parenthesis or text citation respectively (just try it out to see what happens).

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