Answered By: Ask a Librarian Last Updated: Feb 24, 2020
An article goes through different phases from its draft to the final published, definitive version:
Submitted Version (aka ‘Pre-print Version’): the version of the work initially submitted to a journal publisher for consideration, or any earlier draft.
Accepted Version (aka ‘Post-print Version’): the version of the work accepted by the journal for publication, including all modifications from the publishing peer review process.
Publisher’s Version (aka ‘Record Version’): the version of the work distributed by the publisher to readers of the journal, incorporating any copy editing done by the publisher, showing the final page layout and formatting of the published version, and possibly including the publisher's logo.
Research Repository accepts all the three versions of one’s research output. However, whether you can make only one of, or more than one of these versions available through Research Repository depends on your publication option.
If you have published your research in an open access journal, we can typically make all the three versions of your work available in Research Repository. If you have not published open access, you need to check your publishing agreement and/or the publisher’s website for copyright and permissions policies before deciding which version can be included in Research Repository. The SHERPA/RoMEO website, which provides a summary of major publishers’ copyright and archiving policies, can be your additional reference during the decision.
If your work applies an embargo, it can still be deposited to Research Repository, but will not be made publicly visible until the embargo period has expired. During your deposit process, you will have the option to specify your embargo period.
An article goes through different phases from its draft to the final published, definitive version:
Submitted Version (aka ‘Pre-print Version’): the version of the work initially submitted to a journal publisher for consideration, or any earlier draft.
Accepted Version (aka ‘Post-print Version’): the version of the work accepted by the journal for publication, including all modifications from the publishing peer review process.
Publisher’s Version (aka ‘Record Version’): the version of the work distributed by the publisher to readers of the journal, incorporating any copy editing done by the publisher, showing the final page layout and formatting of the published version, and possibly including the publisher's logo.
Research Repository accepts all the three versions of one’s research output. However, whether you can make only one of, or more than one of these versions available through Research Repository depends on your publication option.
If you have published your research in an open access journal, we can typically make all the three versions of your work available in Research Repository. If you have not published open access, you need to check your publishing agreement and/or the publisher’s website for copyright and permissions policies before deciding which version can be included in Research Repository. The SHERPA/RoMEO website, which provides a summary of major publishers’ copyright and archiving policies, can be your additional reference during the decision.
If your work applies an embargo, it can still be deposited to Research Repository, but will not be made publicly visible until the embargo period has expired. During your deposit process, you will have the option to specify your embargo period.