Answered By: Ask a Librarian
Last Updated: Feb 26, 2020    

If you receive "Cannot Edit Range" when you attempt to use the EndNote tools in Word as shown, it is likely due to the installation of the Mendeley plug-in in Word.

  • If the Mendeley Desktop software is still installed on Windows, you can remove the Mendeley plug-in by the following steps:
  1. Quit Word and Outlook.
  2. Open Mendeley Desktop.
  3. Click the "Tools" menu and select "Uninstall MS Word Plugin".
  4. When you receive the message "The Word Plugin has been uninstalled", click OK.
  5. You can now open Word again and work with the EndNote tools.
  • If the Mendeley Desktop software has been uninstalled, you can manually remove the Word Plug-in by the following steps:
  1. Quit Word and Outlook.
  2. Click the Start button and select Run or click in the option to "Search for files or folders”.
  3. Type the following text and click Enter:
  4. Browse to the "Microsoft\Word\STARTUP" folder.
  5. Delete the Mendeley file from this folder.
  6. You can now open Word again and work with the EndNote tools.

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